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Annotated Transcript

KIN= Kinesiology

EAD= Education Administration  

ED= Education

TE= Teacher Education 



Summer 2020
Kin 829
Dr. Jessica Wallace


This class was connected to my concentration which is Sports Coaching and Leadership. I enjoyed this class because it was actually really relatable to me. At the time I was coming back from a season ending injury into playing again. I was able to take a lot of the concepts and apply them. The things I learned I could apply right away in a practical manner.  

This class was also a class within the field of my concentration. I actually don't know how good this class was for me because it caused me to look more into the way I was being coached as a player at the time. Which maybe made me a little too critical at the beginning of class. On the contrary, this class was awesome for me because it helped me coach myself better. 

Summer 2020
KIN  856
Dr. Tony Moreno

Fall 2020
ED 822
Professor Kristy Cooper


This was my favorite Educational Administration class. This class was my favorite education class because it introduced a fresh perspective on race and classrooms. It also gave me more knowledge on the background of our country as it pertains to race as well. The biggest concept I took from the class was the importance of culturally responsive leadership. Which I believe is critical in the moment of time we are in when it comes to our educational system. 

This class taught me the importance of education and how it is connected the child. It affects a child mentally, physically and also vocationally in the future. 

Fall 2020
EAD 860  Professor Steve Weiland

Fall 2020
ED 800
Professor Steve Weiland

Spring 2021
EAD 801 Dr. BestAnn Smith

This class left a great impression from one of the first sections within the course. We discussed about John Dewey and how he explained how language is the device for communication. This left a great impression on me because I never thought about it, in that manner. 

 Within this class I learned what is now my favorite concept in Leadership and that is "Getting off the dance floor and onto the Balcony". This principle brought instant value to my life and I know that it will continue to bring value. 

“If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

 This particular class was a joy for me because it stretched me to see more within myself. It was catalyst for me to step out of my comfort zone. I specifically will remember the oral presentation that I did through video. Walking through that process taught me a lot about the subject and also myself. 

Spring 2021
KIN 865 Dr. Jenny Roth 

Spring 2021
TE 823 Professor Tashal Brown 

Within this course, I learned how important it is to separate equity from equality. It gave me a better understanding of the two. This is a critical distinction that needs to be made if we want to really thrive in inclusion and diversity.   

 This is the class that I am currently in. It has been challenging because it is far away from my comfort level. I have never had to handle the responsibility of creating a website. On the contrary, I do appreciate it because it is really stretching me. 

Summer 2021
ED 870 Dr. Matthew Koehler & Aric Gaunt

Summer 2021
EAD 867
Dr. Nate Clason

 This class really gave me an in depth look at how to include next step actions in leadership. I learned how diagnosing the issue isn't enough. A diagnose without next steps will lead you right back to ground zero. This class taught me the importance of practicality within leading. 

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